Body Scrubs

What is a body scrub?

A "scrub" is a blend of pure sea salt, or fine natural brown sugar, combined with protective and moisturizing oils, which is then applied to wet skin and massaged around in a circular motion. Upon rinsing, you'll be amazed at the difference in your skin. Even rough, chapped, calloused man-hands are left baby soft and smooth after only a few uses - many after the first use! These scrubs are terrific when combined with our lotions and heavy-duty body butters - especially for cracked, dry "sandal feet."

How and when do I use a body scrub?

Use sugar scrubs no more than 1-2 times a week and salt scrubs no more than 1-3 times a month.

They should be used after you take a shower. This way, the skin is soft and moist, and dead skin cells are removed easier.

Depending on the body scrub recipes you are using, each ingredient will have a different effect in addition to the main one which is to exfoliate.

Salt and Sugar scrubs will open the clogged pores and clean them thoroughly. Since salt and sugar are all natural, there should be no harsh side effects - this means you can use a body scrub no matter if you have oily, dry, combination or mature skin.

Lemon will act a disinfecting agent preventing and healing any inflammations.

The essential oils will penetrate the skin and soothe the deeper layers of it.
The best way to exfoliate with body scrubs is to use your fingertips and be gentle with the skin. First wash, then apply scrub and massage gently as long as you like. Massage the body in circular motion, towards the heart to get the circulation going. Rinse, pat dry, and apply lotion or body butter for extra moisture protection.