Organic Or Natural

Organic vs All Natural, which do I choose?

- For the discerning individual, we have custom formulated an "Organic" Bath & Body product line that contains only natural and organic ingredients that naturally occurs in our environment.

We start with the finest and most natural ingredients, such as organic oils and botanical extracts, natural seed oils, and oils rich in essential fatty acids and include certified organic ingredients.

Our Organic bath and body product line is rich in antioxidants and minerals – when in their natural form may be readily absorbed to nourish the body – they provide nutrients that your skin craves.

Organic products can be more costly than the non-organic products.

Many people feel that buying organic is healthier. Organic farmers, as far as possible, avoid using unnecessary chemical sprays. Organic farming is friendlier to the environment so there is a much greater diversity of birds, butterflies and plants on organic farms.

All Natural - For the less-discerning individual, we have custom formulated an all natural bath & body product line made with only the finest ingredients. Some products may contain mineral oil.

Mineral oil is used most commonly in cosmetics.

Mineral oil works as a barrier between the skin and the air. It acts as an occlusive agent which prevents water from naturally leaving your body through your skin. It will not dry out your skin or cause premature aging. Quite the contrary, it will provide moisture.

Many ingredients such as mineral oil get a bad rap because they are derived from coal tar which sounds unnatural, but is actually as natural as any plant. Mineral oil is actually one of the better, least irritating, and least problem-causing ingredients for the skin.

Mineral oil is our choice as base for our non organic product line after much research, trying many other possibilities and reviewing the knowledge there is about mineral oil, and all the myths, we have concluded that it is still the best we can use to serve our customers. Remember, the question isn't whether something sounds good or appears to be good...but whether it is genuinely good.

Our all natural products are very popular with our budget conscious consumers.

We hope that we helped answer a few questions and concerns that you may have had regarding our products.